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Restaurant of the Month: Kinich in Izamal

14 march 2011
3 min. de lectura
Kinich tzic de venadoEach month Yucatan Today visits a restaurant in order to describe what it has to offer. This is not a review; it is a summary of the menu, service, ambience, prices, and opening hours.

March, 2011


México has 35 towns that are designated “magical” and one of them is just 45 minutes from Mérida. Izamal is one of two of Yucatán’s “magical towns;" the other is Valladolid. According to the requirements to be considered “magical” by the Mexican government, the town or city must be  small with rich historical tradition. As soon as you enter Izamal you’ll see one of the many things which sets it apart… the whole town is painted yellow… the convent, the houses, the businesses… everything!


And that brings us to the perfect restaurant in Izamal, one which also offers a magical experience. Kinich has been satisfying the hunger of hundreds of customers for 18 years, since they opened their doors in March of 1993. They have been open seven days a week ever since.


Owner Miriam Azcorra explains that she grew up in the restaurant…literally! The building which now houses Kinich used to be her family home. And the recipes are those of her grandmother.


Just as Izamal is magical, so is Kinich. When you step inside to the spacious restaurant, you will feel as if you were in a grand casona, with plants, open-air palapa-roofed terrazas, art on the walls, and family heirlooms on display. You will want to wander around and peek into the spotless kitchen, and also visit the tortilla and grill room, where two Maya women are busy shaping and grilling fresh tortillas, and cooking up some marinated chicken, pork, or other delicacy. There is also an ample play area for children, as this restaurant is popular with families, especially on the weekends.


The food is classic Yucatecan gastronomy, with the freshest ingredients and consistent quality. The service is warm and attentive, and you will find yourself wanting to linger over your meal.


The menu includes Longaniza de Valladolid, Papadzules, Panuchos, Poc Chuc, Relleno Negro, Sopa de Lima, Beef or Pork a la Yucateca, Escabeche Oriental, Queso Relleno, Zak Kol, Zak Pebre, and Dzic de Venado, as well as Dulce de Papaya, Flan Napolitano, Mazapán, and home-made ice creams with exotic fruit flavors.


The restaurant is located a short three blocks north of the main plaza, and you will find that Izamal is one of the most pleasurable walking towns in Yucatán, with its unique yellow façades with intricate stone work and beautiful iron window grills. There is room for 150 diners and it is often busy with local families, business people, and of course tourists. It is often the host of events which define the cultural, social, religious and touristic life of Izamal, providing employment to many, and is proudly known as a landmark of this lovely magical town.


Open every day: 8 am - 10 pm

Calle 27 #299 x 28 y 30, Izamal

Tel. 988 954 0489


Yucatán Today

Author: Yucatán Today

Yucatán Today, la compañera del viajero, es un medio bilingüe de información turística sobre destinos, cultura y el qué hacer en Yucatán con 36 años de trayectoria.

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