Mérida’s Museum of Light: A New Must-Visit Spot
Mérida stands out as a city that is in constant evolution and improvement. In recent years, it has become one of the main hubs in México to offer a wide range of cultural, technological, and entertainment options. This is particularly evident in its eclectic and growing array of museums and spaces dedicated to sharing knowledge.
Just on November 3rd, a new venue, the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM) Museum of Light, opened its doors in the city amid much anticipation.
At Yucatán Today, we were eager to visit and experience firsthand what it had to offer and how it might surprise us. Spoiler alert: the experience is not just good, but excellent, and to say we were impressed falls short.
We entered the first room where our guide, Carlos, gave us a very friendly welcome. From the first moment, he began to explain the incredible and interesting phenomenon that is color—everything it involves and how it behaves in different scenarios. He did this through a fun activity that involved plastic figures and colored lasers.
After his brief introduction, he welcomed us to the first exhibition of the museum called "Color: The Knowledge of the Invisible", which aims to immerse visitors in the wonderful world of colors by exploring their physical, psychological, technological, and cultural aspects. The exhibition features various rooms that specialize in specific topics, such as "Color Cartography," "Color as Invention," "Color Technology," "Achromatic Colors," and "The Emotionality of Color."
The exhibition maintains a perfect balance between history, color, graphic representations, activities, and various interactive spaces, such as a room where you can sit and listen to experts from around the world, a room where you can freeze your shadow (yes, you read that right), a thermal camera that allows you to observe the heat level of your body, and an achromatic room that seems to come straight out of an Instagram filter.
It also provides a recount of important moments in the history of color, such as the discovery of shades like Maya Blue or Mexican Pink and the invention of color television. As mentioned earlier, this is just the first exhibition at the Museum of Light, but there are plans to open more attractions with scientific, artistic, and cultural themes in the near future.
Honestly, words fall short to describe this place, and I could easily write three more articles about it. Undoubtedly, this is a museum that everyone should visit, where you can learn while having fun. 10/10
Museo de la Luz (Museum of Light)
Calle 50 x 43, Parque La Plancha, Centro
Tue. - Sun. 9 am - 1 pm, 4 - 8 pm
Admission fees:
Foreign nationals: $100 pesos
Mexicans: $60 pesos
Yucatecos: $50 pesos
Students: $ 25 pesos
Persons with disabilities: Free
Free general admission on Tuesdays
Photography by Carlos Guzmán for it's use in Yucatán Today.

Author: Carlos Guzmán
I am a man of few words but with many ideas and emotions that I like to express through my writings. I am passionate about traveling and exploring the world, especially my beautiful and beloved México. These days, I am the content coordinator at Yucatán Today, and I enjoy promoting the best that the state has to offer.
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