Gastronomy Recipe for Yucatecan Tamales Learn to make Yucatecan Tamales with this easy to follow recipe with ingredients that are easy to fi...
Gastronomy An authentic recipe for Yucatán’s mukbilpollo or pib—for beginners Make your own Pib or Mukbilpollo (Día de Muertos tamal) from scratch: detailed instructions on how t...
Gastronomy Frijol con Puerco and Lots of Love My dish was served. From the broth surfaced dark brown pieces of meat, almost black. They swam in a ...
Gastronomy Frijol con Puerco (Beans with Pork) Recipe This Yucatecan Dish is not only very traditional but it's only made on Mondays. Discover the story b...
Yucatecan recipes Recipe for Sopa de Lima The Sopa de Lima is a very flavorful chicken broth seasoned with local Yucatecan lime.
Yucatecan recipes Recipe for Caballeros Pobres "Caballeros Pobres" are a typical Yucatecan dessert, made with Yucatecan baguette submerged on milk ...
Yucatecan recipes Recipe for Relleno Negro The Relleno Negro is traditionally a turkey dish that is seasoned with a spice blend made from charr...
Yucatecan recipes Recipe for Queso Relleno Queso Relleno, prepared with a hollowed-out Queso de Bola (Edam cheese), which is then filled with g...
Yucatecan recipes Cochinita Pibil Recipe Cochinita Pibil Recipe 1 kg pork leg 60 grs achiote paste ½ onion 1 whole garlic ½ tsp. ground cumin...