YUCATRANS: Creating safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community in Yucatán
Every one of us is always on the lookout for spaces where we can be accepted, acknowledged, and respected for who we are, regardless of our beliefs, looks, places of origin, gender, or sexual orientation. This is especially true for members of the LGBTQ+ community, who throughout history have been subject to prejudice and obstacles to be validated by society, especially in Yucatán.
As time has passed, Yucatecan society has gradually opened up to the different spectrums of sexual diversity, thanks to the work of various collectives, organizations, and leaders who have paved a safe path for this community; YUCATRANS is one such example.
YUCATRANS is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of the transgender community (including crossdressers, transgender, and transsexual individuals) living in the Península, particularly in Yucatán, as well as their families. Although primarily supporting the transgender community, they also welcome non-binary, gay, lesbian, and heterosexual individuals. Everyone is embraced and accepted here.
What services does YUCATRANS offer?
Some of the services provided to members include psychological and emotional guidance during their transition journeys and HRT (hormone replacement therapy). They also assist with administrative changes related to gender identity, provide family support and orientation, host awareness talks and training sessions on transgender topics, and offer rapid testing for third-generation STIs and HIV.
Most members reach out through social media (specifically Facebook) and have a brief chat with Miranda Abigaíl Trillo Herrera, president and legal representative of the association, to determine which area they will be directed to and start the process most effectively. The ages of beneficiaries range between 18 and 25 years old, but this is not a rule; they are open to helping anyone who needs it, regardless of age. They currently have 160 members.
To provide these services, they have partnered with various organizations and experts in health, psychology, and law. Depending on each person's unique situation, they guide them to the appropriate sector for assistance and support.
How can I help YUCATRANS?
To fund their activities and ensure their sustainability, YUCATRANS organizes raffles, sells items like second-hand clothing or toys, and hosts events in different communities.
YUCATRANS also accepts donations, whether they're items or monetary contributions. They are currently raising funds to buy the building where their facilities are located.
When it comes to volunteering, they accept help from students (mostly from universities) but also welcome volunteers from the wider community.
Why should I help YUCATRANS?
In the words of Miranda Abigaíl, "YUCATRANS is a great achievement" since they began working in a period where discrimination, stigma, and prejudices in the state were at very high levels, all to help their community.
Indeed, everyone deserves a space where they can freely and safely be themselves, without any fear. That's why organizations like YUCATRANS are incredibly important. They offer a place filled with support and love, especially for those who may not always find it elsewhere.
If you're able to lend a hand in any way, don't think twice. Even the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference in someone who is trying to find themselves and simply wants to live fully, happily, and freely.
Calle 62 #603 x 78 y 81, Centro
Mon. - Fri. 6 - 9 pm
999 221 3214
Encargada: Miranda Abigaíl Trillo Herrera
FB: Yucatrans, Asociación Transgénero Yucatán A.C.
Yucatrans, Asociación Transgénero Yucatán A.C., is part of the mutual aid network Mérida Nos Une. This network provides a space for citizens to connect, share resources, ideas, and experiences, and work together on projects and activities that benefit the community at large.
If you're unsure where to help, you can contact the network to explore various ways to get involved, support, and make a difference together. Reach out via cell phone at 999 338 8592, send an email to meridanosune1@gmail.com or meridanosune@merida.gob.mx, or fill out the "Quiero Ayudar (I Want to Help)" form on the Mérida Nos Une Platform.
Get to know this and at least 10 more associations that may need your help in Volunteering in Yucatán: Give Your Best this 2024.
Photography by Carlos Guzmán for its use in Yucatán Today.

Author: Carlos Guzmán
I am a man of few words but with many ideas and emotions that I like to express through my writings. I am passionate about traveling and exploring the world, especially my beautiful and beloved México. These days, I am the content coordinator at Yucatán Today, and I enjoy promoting the best that the state has to offer.
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