Empowering Single Mothers: The Story of CAMSY in Yucatán
Sometimes, the promises we make to ourselves can be powerful motivations that drive us to achieve extraordinary things. Such is the case with the promise Reina Osorio made, which, in 2009, led her to found Centro de Atención a Madres Solteras de Yucatán ( the Center for Attention to Single Mothers of Yucatán or CAMSY), a beacon of support and empowerment for hundreds of women and their children.
Doña Reina's journey towards creating CAMSY was not easy. In 2003, she suddenly found herself without a job, being a single mother of three children and the sole provider in her household. However, amidst adversity, she found the strength not only to keep her family afloat but also to fulfill a promise to herself: if she could overcome those tough times, she would pay it forward by helping other women in similar situations.
This promise became the seed of CAMSY, which has since grown over 15 years, transforming lives and providing support in various forms to single mothers in Yucatán. Today, the association offers a variety of programs and services designed to address the comprehensive needs of these families.
Programs like "Dressing an Angel," "Together We Can Bring More Plates," and "Sponsor a Child with the Toy of Their Dreams" exemplify CAMSY's unwavering commitment to the overall well-being of single mothers and their children.
"Dressing an Angel" is dedicated to collecting baby clothes and essential materials for pregnant women, ensuring that they and their future children have what they need for a healthy start.
On the other hand, "Together We Can Bring More Plates" was born during the pandemic as a direct response to the food needs during challenging times. They now provide food rations to the most vulnerable families, especially those facing unemployment.
Finally, 'Sponsor a Child with the Toy of Their Dreams' shows CAMSY's dedication to bringing joy and hope to children in vulnerable situations. Every Christmas, they invite kids to write a letter with their desired toy and reach out to sponsors via social media to fulfill their wishes. Beyond just the gift, this program encourages empathy, gratitude, and the idea of helping one another, teaching kids to appreciate what they have and share with others who may face challenges.
In their efforts to offer complete support, CAMSY not only helps in immediate situations but also concentrates on the long-term empowerment of single mothers. They provide entrepreneurship workshops, training these women to create a brighter future for themselves and their children.
One of CAMSY's key principles is ensuring emotional well-being, especially for young people. With Doña Reina's son serving as the association's psychologist, CAMSY provides psychological therapy and is creating a space dedicated solely to emotional health, recognizing how crucial it is to take care of the mental well-being of its members. Additionally, the establishment of Casa del Día del Niño Yucateco (the House of Yucatecan Children’s Day) in San Antonio Xluch in 2019 marked another important step in CAMSY's journey. This center offers academic, psychological, and nutritional support to children aged 6 to 12, enhancing the education and welfare of future generations.
If you would like to support this association's cause, CAMSY accepts donations of all kinds and offers volunteer opportunities at Casa del Día del Niño Yucateco facilities.
In conclusion, Centro de Atención a Madres Solteras de Yucatán not only offers practical help but also provides love, support, and a vision of a brighter future for single mothers and their children in Yucatán. In a world where challenges can feel daunting, CAMSY aims to change the lives of hundreds of women so that they can inspire others in the future.
Centro de Atención a Madres Solteras de Yucatán, CAMSY
Calle 179 #669 x Av. 86 y 88, San Antonio Xluch
Tel. 999 357 0647
FB: CAMSY Centro de Atencion a Madres Solteras de Yucatan
Centro de Atención a Madres Solteras de Yucatán is part of the mutual aid network Mérida Nos Une (Mérida brings us together). This network provides a space for citizens to connect, share resources, ideas, and experiences, and work together on projects and activities that benefit the community.
If you’d like to help and don’t know where to start, you can contact the network to explore various ways to get involved, support, and make a difference together. Reach out via cell phone at 999 338 8592, send an email to meridanosune1@gmail.com or meridanosune@merida.gob.mx, or fill out the "Quiero Ayudar (I Want to Help)" form on the Mérida Nos Une Platform.
Get to know this and at least 10 more associations that may need your help in Volunteering in Yucatán: Give Your Best this 2024.

Author: Sara Alba
Panamanian with a Mexican accent since 2005. Editorial Assistant, a walking jukebox, and always lurking on social media, in the constant search of hidden gems to visit and share.
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