Easter in México
Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after he was crucified. In México, where 90% of the population is Catholic, Easter is taken very seriously – and literally – with colorful, passionate processions reenacting the Passion of Jesus Christ’s last days on earth.
The week leading up to Easter, known in English as Holy Week, is called “Semana Santa” in Latin American countries and is celebrated with processions, masses, and other events that mark Jesus Christ’s triumphant return to Jerusalem, his trial, his walk carrying the cross, and his crucifixion.
Holy Week in Yucatán
n Mérida and in many villages including Tixkokob, people recreate the “Vía Crucis”, complete with actors and costumes of those ancient times.
They also acknowledge the 14 stations, the places where Jesus fell as he bore his burden. It can be quite striking to see a mass of people dressed in the clothing of Jesus’ time, walking behind an actor playing Jesus as he struggles doubled over from the weight of an enormous cross, with a crown of thorns on his head. Roman soldiers stand by and the Apostles are there as well. The actors are then hung on the crosses. Townspeople walk in the procession too, playing the role of the penitents who marched behind Jesus. It is moving to watch.
Palm Sunday
“Domingo de Ramos”, Palm Sunday, starts off Semana Santa, and the week builds toward Holy Thursday, Good Friday and of course, Easter Sunday, known as “Domingo de Resurrección”, Resurrection Sunday. On Palm Sunday everyone goes to mass in the morning for the blessing of the palm leaves; when dry, the leaves are made into crosses that people use as amulets, adorning their cars and homes.
Holy Thursday and Good Friday
On Holy Thursday and Good Friday, the activities become more elaborate. On Holy Thursday the “washing of the feet” ceremony is celebrated. During mass, the highest-ranking priest washes the feet of 12 local parish priests, just as Christ did with his 12 apostles.
On Good Friday, the Passion plays are enacted. The best places to view these passion plays are in Mérida at the San Ildefonso Cathedral, their schedule starts at 10 am with the Way of the Cross in the Cathedral’s interior, and ends at 8 pm with Rosary of Condolences to the Virgin. In the Santiago neighborhood masses will be held in English for the English-speaking community on April 6 at 5 pm, April 7 at 2 pm, and April 8 at 6 pm.
On the other hand, along the Convent Route, which includes towns like Acanceh and Maní. Activities start mid-morning and culminate at 3 pm, the approximate time of Christ’s death. In Acanceh’s case, the live Way of the Cross will start at 12 pm, the crucifixion culminates in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas.
Palm Sunday – April 13, 2025
Holy Thursday – April 17, 2025
Good Friday – April 18, 2025
Holy Saturday – April 19, 2025
Resurrection Day / Easter Sunday – April 10, 2025

Author: Yucatán Today
Yucatán Today, the traveler's companion, has been covering Yucatán’s destinations, culture, gastronomy, and things to do for 36 years. Available in English and Spanish, it’s been featured in countless travel guides due to the quality of its content.
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