Comedor Despertares: A Haven of Love and Humanity
The end of the year is an ideal time to reflect on what we have and to be grateful for the opportunities life gives us; this moment of introspection allows us to appreciate how fortunate we can be.
However, not everyone shares this reality. Every day, hundreds of people in Mérida, especially those in vulnerable situations, face the difficult struggle of finding food, a safe place, or even a gesture of empathy from the community.
Fortunately, initiatives like Comedor Despertares, a project of the non-profit association Bendiciendo con Amor, work to transform this reality.
What is Comedor Despertares and where is it located?
Comedor Despertares' main mission is to look after the well-being of homeless people, providing them with a space where they can receive hot, freshly prepared food, and above all, dignify their value as human beings who deserve respect and attention.
Its main headquarters is located in Mérida’s Centro. This location was chosen strategically, as many of the people who come to the dining room pass through this area, making it a collective meeting point. Thus, the dining room is accessible to those who need it most, including people from other parts of Yucatán and even, on occasion, from other countries.
Originally, this initiative was aimed only at men, but as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, they also began to receive women with children. Currently, its main visitors are men and the elderly. The dining room is open two days a week, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In the words of Felipe Gómez, a former beneficiary who is now part of the team, the association allows them to "learn their value as a person and as a human being." He also points out that "they extend a hand and are there to serve and not to be served," since "work dignifies the human being.
Read more about all the places where you can do volunteering in Yucatán.
What kind of help does Comedor Despertares provide to its beneficiaries?
The dining hall's facilities are designed to humanize the experience of each individual. From the moment they enter, they are greeted with a warm welcome and have access to a waiting area with comfortable chairs to rest. The staff always strives to integrate them into a social and welcoming environment.
Before eating, beneficiaries register and leave their personal belongings in a secure area. Afterward, they sit down to enjoy the day's dishes, which are prepared by volunteers using basic food items. The goal is to offer a home-like experience, making them feel like family. All of this is done in a hygienic, nutritious, and humane environment.
The dining hall has a large room where, in addition to providing food, health checkups are held. They also offer other services, such as haircuts on Wednesdays.
In the future, they plan to adapt a storage room as a consulting room to offer medical consultations, psychological support, and nutrition services, programs that had to be suspended due to the pandemic. They also seek to implement a small garden on the patio to harvest fresh food.
What other services does Comedor Despertares provide?
In addition to the dining hall, the association manages a shelter exclusively for men. In this space, they are provided with lodging and three meals a day, and they can stay as long as they need. On occasion, they also receive migrants during their passage through the city, with the support of the Urban Mobility program.
The association considers it fundamental to "sow the seed of generosity." Each team member voluntarily contributes, from food baskets to hygiene products, demonstrating that any help, no matter how small, is valuable.
Besides food and lodging, the shelter provides clothing and shoes in good condition. They strive to ensure that each person takes something home with them during their visit. They also assist those who do not have official identification documents in obtaining them, facilitating one more step towards social reintegration.
To achieve their goals, they have developed various strengths: they offer training in human development, life skills, and strategic alliances with the public and private sectors.
How can I help?
You can contribute in many ways:
- Donating basic food items, personal hygiene products, cleaning products, clothing, or shoes.
- Making monetary contributions.
- Participating in volunteer programs, either as a frequent volunteer or through collaborations with universities and corporations.
To join as a volunteer, you must first contact them via WhatsApp, social media, or phone. Based on your profile, you will be assigned a support area and receive a brief induction.
Volunteers must be of legal age or, if minors, must be accompanied by an adult. They are asked to arrive before 10 am to organize and prepare everything before the service, which takes place from 12 to 2 pm.
Why should you help the Bendiciendo con Amor association?
In a world where indifference is common, initiatives like Comedor Despertares, run by the Bendiciendo con Amor association, remind us of the transformative impact of solidarity. This space not only feeds bodies but also nourishes souls, restoring dignity and hope to those who need it most.
Your help can make a significant difference. Whether through donations, volunteering, or simply sharing their mission, every action contributes to keeping this haven of humanity and love alive.
Because together we can create a world where no one feels forgotten and where everyone has the opportunity to awaken to a new hope. What are you waiting for to join this noble project?
Albergue Comedor Despertares, of the Asociación Bendiciendo con Amor, A.C.
Calle 39 #310 x 18 y 20, Col. Leandro Valle
Elena Orozco, Director of Strategic Planning
Tel. 999 970 6275
This association is part of the Directory of Social Impact Projects on the Mérida Nos Une mutual aid network platform. For more information about these projects, we invite you to visit their official page.
Through the Mérida Nos Une network, Ayuntamiento de Mérida (the Mérida City Council), hand in hand with civil society, has sought to connect aid to different vulnerable sectors of the population and environmental causes, linking people and organizations that can provide help with associations and individuals who require support. This is how the Mérida Nos Une network collaborates by connecting people who, selflessly and without profit, can donate material resources, their skills, and talent as volunteers to various projects in need.
If you don't know where to help, you can contact the network to find various ways to join, support, and make a difference. Contact them at the phone number 999 338 8592, send an email to meridanosune1@gmail.com or meridanosune@merida.gob.mx, or fill out the "I Want to Help" form on the Mérida Nos Une Platform.

Author: Carlos Guzmán
I am a man of few words but with many ideas and emotions that I like to express through my writings. I am passionate about traveling and exploring the world, especially my beautiful and beloved México. These days, I am the content coordinator at Yucatán Today, and I enjoy promoting the best that the state has to offer.
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