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Celebrating The Pride of African Heritage at SoHo Galleries

08 january 2024
4 min. de lectura

In life, there are universal messages that transcend geographical borders and language barriers. Art, in its most genuine expression, becomes one of the most powerful bridges to convey these messages and forge connections among people from different corners of the world.


SoHo Galleries' latest exhibition, “The Pride of African Heritage", smoothly connects these two ideas. Held in collaboration with SEDECULTA, this thoughtfully curated exhibition will bring forth the expressions of Afro-American, Afro-Cuban, and Afro-Mexican artists. Divided between the Peón Contreras theater and SoHo itself, each showcased piece seeks to reflect the diversity of experiences within the African diaspora, weaving a narrative that transcends cultural boundaries.


Curator Ana Joa has skillfully organized works from distinguished artists, including Eduardo "Choco" Roca Salazar, an internationally recognized figure and one of Cuba's most prominent artists. Choco's creations eloquently depict race and everyday life in Cuba, making a profound statement through his art.


2401 Laura Soho GLaura Bueno, representing México, initially wanted to study Literature, before switching to Anthropology, joining the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), and later working on preserving archeological sites. Armed with this distinctive perspective, she seamlessly weaves together the realms of art, anthropology, and archaeology in her paintings, exuding a deep reverence for the natural world.


Erlin Geffrard, hailing from the United States with Haitian roots, draws inspiration from his family's religious practices, popular culture, and the rich tapestry of sociocultural experiences he has encountered, providing a unique lens into the intersections of these influences.


This vibrant array of perspectives and intergenerational connections translates into approximately 60 works, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, and collagraphs. This artistic "little revolution", shaped over two years of planning, is not just a display of visual aesthetics, it stands as a powerful statement that celebrates and reclaims the richness of African culture in this territory. Notably, artists such as Vance Gragg, Otón Rivera, and Víctor Dávalos will also be contributing to this exhibition.


The grand opening, set for January 19, promises to be an unforgettable gathering. However, the celebration doesn’t stop there. SoHo Galleries will have a series of engaging events that stretch all the way to January 25. Attendees can look forward to a mix of experiences, including open mic sessions, a special night where artists intimately share their life stories, and African dance presentations by Balele Dance Troupe. It's not just about one standalone event, but a continuous celebration of art, culture, and shared narratives.


2401 Erlin G Soho Galleries
2401 Erlin Soho Galleries
2401 Al rio Soho G


SoHo Galleries' "The Pride of African Heritage" is more than an average exhibition; it is a declaration of the universal connections among humanity, and a joyous celebration of the rich tapestry of African culture. The exhibition will be open to the public from January 19 to March 17. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to partake in a cultural journey that goes beyond borders and nurtures a sense of universal pride.


SoHo Galleries “The Pride of African Heritage”
SoHo Galleries
Calle 60 #400-A x 43 y 41, Centro
Teatro Peón Contreras
Calle 60 #463 x 57 y 59, Centro
Tel. 999 344 7463
FB: Soho Galleries
January 19 - March 17


2401 Eduardo Roca Soho Ga

Photography by SoHo Galleries for its use in Yucatán Today.

Sara Alba

Author: Sara Alba

Panamanian with a Mexican accent since 2005. Editorial Assistant, a walking jukebox, and always lurking on social media, in the constant search of hidden gems to visit and share.

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