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Alternative Therapy with Shaman Hermano Maya

26 october 2018
4 min. de lectura

A few days ago I had the pleasure to meet Hermano (brother) Maya. As soon as he approached me at the bench where I was waiting, I felt that he seemed to be shining from within. He was wearing white from head to toe and had jewelry of precious stones on his hands and neck. He asked me how I was, and made sure that I was comfortable in his home,  Izamal. From that moment he called me “sister,” just like he greeted the people we encountered as we walked the streets.


We went to a piece of land he owns far away from bustle of the tourist area. I immediately felt at home in the fresh, natural atmosphere of this space. Before I began asking all the things I wanted to know about him, he gave me a “limpia” (spiritual cleanse) and a reading with quartz of what he saw in me. This little ceremony that we did together, to initiate our encounter, helped me to focus in the here and now.


Now that we were in synch, I asked Hermano Maya how was it that he started on this path of alternative therapy. He told me that ever since he was a child he felt a strong attraction to nature, the “milpa” (agricultural fields), and the sacred Maya temples of his region. His parents always allowed him to be himself and he never felt that they frowned on him following his natural impulses.

“From the beginning, at a young age, my power was never limited by my parents, and part of what I know comes from them and my grandparents.”

I asked him about the type of clientele that seeks his help, and he told me that everyone that comes to him does so because they need to let go of something, and with him they find the confidence to do so. He offers them a consultation to see what is it that they need, and then personalized sessions are scheduled. During these sessions the physical, the spiritual, and the emotional are worked on. The sessions can be to align chakras, work with quartz, with hot stones, therapeutical massage, and "temazcal" (Maya sauna) for groups.


Hermano-Maya-Shamanismo-Temascal-Temazcal-by-Valentina-Alvarez  Hermano-Maya-Shamanismo-Ofrenda-by-Valentina-Alvarez


His purpose is to help others along their spiritual paths. For me, visiting Hermano Maya was like seeing myself in the mirror: to recognize myself, to reprogram myself, and in a way, to hug myself. He told me that is the person’s spirit that seeks the encounter with the shaman, because not everything is healed with medicine.

“I find encounters with the right people at precisely the right moments.”

Hermano Maya's idea is to help others to find their strength, their health, their beauty. Indeed, sometimes we lack someone to point out for us the light at the end of the tunnel, while allowing us to walk the path by ourselves.


After some time talking with the hermano about his work, my pen stopped writing, and I accepted the fact that it was time to simply enjoy the moment, in that vibrant space in the middle of the Maya forest.


Finally, we returned to Izamal’s town center where the hermano has a reception booth facing the Palacio de Gobierno;, you'll see the sign with his name “Hermano Maya.” Here you can also see the marvelous handmade jewelry and talismans that he makes and sells to those who are looking for sacred stones. You can each him on his cell phone: 9889 57 53 66, or visit his website: www.shamanismomaya.com.



How to get there:

It’s easy to go by car. Take the Cuota road toward Cancún, and exit at km. 48 towards Izamal. The trip takes 45 minutes.

Or go by bus, the station is at Calle 67 between 50 and 52, with departures every hour. The cost of the ticket is $31 pesos one way, $62 pesos roundtrip. Also you can take a van on Calle 65 between 52 and 54.



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