About Yucatán Today
We wanted to take this (truly special) occasion as an opportunity to share with you, dear reader, a little bit about who we are, why we do what we do, and why we do it the way we do it.
First of all, dear reader . I dare say that’s one of our core values: I don’t know who you are, where you’re from, or why (or when) you’re reading this, but the ultimate goal that drives everyone in our team is to help you have the best possible stay in this piece of Earth we love so much (Yucatán). Each month, when we plan a new edition, we think about how to make our content useful to you; for it to be interesting and enrich your visit, whether you’re already here or in the planning stages. And if you live here, whether you moved last week or were born here, we’d love for you to discover something new you can visit, see, or discover.
That does not mean, as Judy mentioned on our page 1, that we want to see Yucatán overridden with tourist traps; we are committed to promoting responsible, sustainable tourism ; tourism that will benefit locals without jeopardizing the future of our region. We want to share Yucatán with all of our visitors, but also with our children, grandchildren, and great great great-grandchildren.
Being a free magazine, Yucatán Today is supported by advertising, that’s a fact. You’ll find our clients mentioned here and there in our pages, when appropriate. However, what you won’t ever find here are advertorials or paid promotions; the closest you’ll see is our “In Focus” section, where we offer a space to our advertisers to tell the story of their business, and a bit about what they do. Kind of like this editorial, actually. But our magazine is, above anything else, informational. When we mention our advertisers in our articles we disclose it because we believe in transparency. If you don’t see a disclosure at the bottom (and even if you can), you can be sure that you’re reading about a place, product, or service that we believe people should know about. Yucatán Today doesn’t recommend, we inform.

Finally, before I run out of space, I’d like to point out one last aspect that is vitally important to us, as a business, as a publication, and as individuals: quality . We’re committed to being a reliable, honest touristic and tourism information product. We make a significant effort every month to make sure that every piece of information we include is correct and updated, from the admission fees to events and archaeological sites to the number of issues we print every month. Our collective heart breaks every time something changes between the magazine’s printing and circulation, because we’re passionate about accuracy. If you come across any inaccuracies in the magazine, we truly appreciate you letting us know, although it’s highly likely that we’re aware and have already beat ourselves up about it.
Thank you for joining us on this adventure. We hope, with your continued support, to have our publication running for at least another 35 years. By Yucatán Today

Author: Yucatán Today
Yucatán Today, la compañera del viajero, es un medio bilingüe de información turística sobre destinos, cultura, gastronomía y el qué hacer en Yucatán con 36 años de trayectoria.
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