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Palacio Cantón, Regional Museum of Anthropology in Yucatán

19 august 2024
5 min. de lectura

Palacio Cantón, The past and present of the Regional Museum of Anthropology of Yucatán,

The iconic Regional Museum of Anthropology in Mérida is an excellent choice for visitors and locals to better understand the cultural heritage of southeastern México. Nestled in an impressive mansion with charming French-style architecture on Paseo de Montejo, known as Palacio Cantón, the museum encourages us to think about the important social events that have shaped our region throughout the years.


Originally built between 1904 and 1911 at the end of the Porfiriato era, Palacio Cantón was the home of Francisco Cantón Rosado, who governed Yucatán from 1898 to 1902. Eventually, the building was passed down to his son and later to the State Government after being a family home for some time.

After serving as the headquarters of Yucatán’s School of Fine Arts and the official residence for the state's governors, it became the Regional Museum of Anthropology in 1966, through an agreement with México’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH.


Since then, the museum has been dedicated to sharing the great discoveries and remains of the Maya culture, as well as the diverse history of our state and surrounding areas. Since 2012, with the inauguration of Gran Museo del Mundo Maya (The Great Museum of the Maya World), its permanent exhibition was removed, giving way to continuous temporary exhibitions that encourage reflection on fascinating topics, from our pre-Hispanic past to our current society.



Exhibitions you can currently find


2409 Palacio Canton Mérida Exposición by Palacio Canton slogo


The temporary exhibitions at the Regional Museum of Anthropology of Yucatán fill the spacious and elegant halls of Palacio Cantón across its two floors. Each exhibit offers a chance to dive into unique cultural experiences through images, timelines, artifacts, and multimedia presentations.

During August and September 2024, you can explore the following three exhibitions:



Ek’ Balam Polifónico

A celebration of the vibrant history of Ek’ Balam, a Maya city founded during the Preclassic period and rediscovered centuries later by the Western world. On the museum’s first floor, you will encounter figures like the ‘sacred lady’ and her son, the ruler Ukit Kan Lek Tok’, members of the original population of the region.

You will also learn more about the first modern explorers who arrived at Ek’ Balam and the various conservation efforts that have been undertaken to restore this remarkable city. Discover the many layers of Ek’ Balam’s identity, from its ancient voices that tell their stories across time to the archaeologists and visitors who continue to keep its history alive.


2409 Palacio Canton Mérida Ek Balam by Brenda Acametitla



Duelo Colectivo (Collective Mourning): Whom do you cry for?

This installation by artist Elena Martínez Bolio occupies a smaller space on the first floor. Honoring the arduous work of México’s ‘searching mothers’, Martínez Bolio seeks to raise awareness of the painful situation that the country faces with the increasing number of disappearances and femicides.

In this installation, we can see the search posters for hundreds of women and the garments of some victims, symbolizing the last physical link that families have with their loved ones and, in many cases, the only evidence obtained in their cases. This small but poignant exhibition offers a profound analysis and timely critique of Mexican society.



Palenque, 200 years of discoveries

On the museum's second floor, this exhibition details how the Western world has explored and “rediscovered” Palenque, one of the pre-Hispanic Maya cities of Chiapas. The exhibit takes you on a journey from the early whispers of Palenque's existence to the first photographs and the formal excavation and preservation work, giving you a glimpse of the city through the eyes of those early explorers and experiencing Palenque with their same curiosity and wonder.

You’ll get to explore research findings, along with photographs and artifacts that have been recovered or replicated. Discover the social order, administration, deities, beliefs, art, and architecture of this incredible city, which was abandoned in the 9th century. Plus, learn about the Maya calendar system and hieroglyphic writing that played a crucial role in the daily life of this ancient civilization.

Through the displayed research works, as well as recovered or replicated photographs and artifacts, you will learn about the social order, administration, deities, beliefs, art, and architecture of this ancient city, abandoned by its inhabitants in the 9th century. Plus, you’ll learn about the Maya calendar system and hieroglyphic writing that played a crucial role in the daily life of this city.



Activities around its exhibitions


2409 Palacio Canton Mérida Exposición by Palacio Canton slogo (1)


To delve deeper into the content and context of each exhibition, the Regional Museum of Anthropology at Palacio Cantón frequently organizes themed activities such as lectures, workshops, and guided tours. You can also attend their regular concerts, book presentations, and children's courses. Stay informed about these events through their social media channels, listed below.

The museum can be visited for $95 pesos, and it offers free admission every Sunday for national visitors. Students, teachers, children under 13, seniors, and people with disabilities can access daily at no cost.



Museo Regional de Antropología de Yucatán, Palacio Cantón
Calle 43 #485 x Paseo de Montejo, Centro
IG: mpalaciocanton
FB: Museo Palacio Cantón
Tue. - Sun. 8 am - 5 pm

Regina Zumárraga

Author: Regina Zumárraga

Communicologist specialized in food and product photography. I’m passionate about learning about the culture and gastronomy of different places. In my free time, you can find me at the beach.

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