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Oxkutzcab: The State Garden

28 september 2016
2 min. de lectura


Oxkutzcab, “town three times founded” or “place of ramón, tobacco and honey,” is an agricultural center located in the south of Yucatán, 100 km from Mérida, within the “citrus belt of the state.” Founded in 1550 by the Spanish after the fall of the Mayan lordship of Mayapán, which at that time was governed by the Tutul Xiu family, today it has almost 30,000 inhabitants, the vast majority of whom are of Mayan descent.

It is an ideal place to spend the night when you want to do the Route of the Convents one day and the Puuc Route the next without returning to Mérida. This way, you save money, time and effort while you get to know more about the state. Also perfect if you are looking to have a base to get to know the entire south of Yucatán. To do this you can stay at the Hotel Puuc, to rest and continue the next day.

It is an authentic Mayan town, where part of the economy focuses on the cultivation of tropical fruits such as citrus, sapote, avocado, mango, papaya, mamey, huayas, saramuyos and plums. It has all the services such as hotels, restaurants, medical services, etc., in addition to several places of interest.


Places to visit:

The Convent of San Francisco (1790-1851), the Chapel of San Esteban (1872), the Hermitage of the Virgen del Pilar (1697), the former railway station (1947), the market where the aroma of oranges and the Tabi Hacienda.


Ruta Puuc:

Grutas de Loltún, Labná, Xlapak, Sayil, Kabáh, Santa Elena and Uxmal.


Ruta de los Conventos:

Acancéh, Tecóh, Telchaquillo, Mayapán, Tekit, Mama, Chumayel, Teabo, Tipikal, Maní and of course Oxkutzcab.



Península de Yucatán 

Ruta Puuc

Ruta de los Conventos

Alicia Navarrete Alonso

Author: Alicia Navarrete Alonso

Communicologist born circumstantially in México City, but who says “uay” since 1985. Life has allowed me to see the world, which in turn has allowed me to discover how much I love the place where I live

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