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18 april 2016
5 min. de lectura

Located in the south of the state, about 100 km from Mérida, in the “citrus belt of the state”, is the picturesque town of

Oxkutzcab (Osh-kuts-kab). Founded in 1841, today it has 29,325 inhabitants. Oxkutzcab is a very good option to spend the night when you want to do the Convent Route one day and the Puuc Route the next without returning to Mérida. This way, you save money, time and effort while expanding your vision of the state at the same time. Oxkutzcab is also an interesting place to use as a base when visiting the south of the state.

The way to optimize your time is to do the Convent Route during the day, sleep in Oxkutzcab at the Puuc Hotel, and then continue the next day with the Puuc Route, ending in Mérida after seeing the light and sound show in Uxmal. You can also spend the night in Uxmal after the show.

Oxkutzcab is an authentic Mayan town with services such as hotels and restaurants, as well as sites of interest that include colonial churches, Mayan pyramids, the Loltún caves, the Hacienda Tabi and its market, which is the collection center for all the citrus production of the region. region.


Places of interest:


The Convent of San Francisco (1790-1851), the Chapel of San Esteban (1872), the Hermitage of the Virgen del Pilar (1697), the train station (1947), the market where the aroma of oranges reigns, and the tricytaxis sites.

Puuc Route:  Grottoes of Loltún, Labná, Xlapak, Sayil, Kabáh, Santa Elena (mummies) and Uxmal.

Convent Route: Acancéh (Mayan pyramids, churches), Tecóh, Telchaquillo, Mayapán (Mayan pyramids), Tekit, Mama, Chumayel, Teabo, Tipikal, Maní and Oxkutzcab.




Península de Yucatán 

Ruta Puuc

Ruta de los Conventos

Alicia Navarrete Alonso

Author: Alicia Navarrete Alonso

Communicologist born circumstantially in México City, but who says “uay” since 1985. Life has allowed me to see the world, which in turn has allowed me to discover how much I love the place where I live

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