- 1 Año Nuevo, (New Year's Day), is an official Mexican holiday.
- 6 Día de los Santos Reyes is the day when Mexicans exchange Christmas presents in accordance with the arrival of the three gift-bearing wise men to Jesus Christ. This day culminates the Christmastime festivities.
- 17 Feast Day of de San Antonio de Abad is a religious holiday during which the Catholic Church allows animals to enter the church for blessing.
- 5 Día de la Constitución an official holiday that commemorates Mexico's Constitution.
- 14 Valentine's Day (Día de la Amistad)
- 15 - 192February, 2023. Carnaval is an official Mexican holiday that kicks off a five-day celebration before the Catholic Lent. Beginning the weekend before Lent, Carnaval is celebrated exuberantly with parades, floats and dancing in the streets. It is a Mexican custom to break confetti or flour-filled eggs over the heads of friends and family. Mérida is the safest place to watch the most elaborate Carnaval festivities.
- 24 Flag Day, this Mexican national holiday honors the Mexican flag.
- 21 Vernal Equinox. Observances of the Equinox are conducted at several archaeological sites including Chichén Itzá and Dzibilchaltún, where solar effects occur.
- 21 The Birthday of Benito Juárez, a famous Mexican president and national hero, is an official Mexican holiday.
- 5 - 12 April, 2020 Semana Santa is the holy week that ends the 40-day Lent period. This week includes Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
- 22 Earth Day
- 30 Children's Day
- 1 Primero de Mayo is the Mexican national holiday that is equivalent to the U.S. Labor Day.
- 5 Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican national holiday that honors the Mexican defeat of the French army at Puebla de los Angeles in 1862.
- 10 Mother's Day. Due to the importance of the mother in Mexican culture, Mother's Day is an especially significant holiday. It's always on the 10th no matter the day of the week it falls on.
- 1 Navy Day is an official Mexican holiday.
- 18 June, 2023 Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday of the month.
- 1 Annual State of the Union, though this date is an approximation, the President delivers the address in the late summer/early autumn.
- 13 Niños Heroes de Chapultepec
- 16 Mexican Independence Day celebrates the day that Miguel Hidalgo delivered El Grito de Dolores, and announced the Mexican revolt against Spanish rule.
- 21 Autumnal Equinox.
- 12 Día de la Raza, This day celebrates Columbus' arrival to the Americas, and the historical origins of the Mexican race.
- 31 Halloween. An increasingly popular event celebrated with many local fiestas. Often influenced by foreign cultural elements, these events are improving each year.
- 1-2 Día de Muertos is an important Mexican holiday that merges Pre-Columbian beliefs and modern Catholicism. Europe's All Saints' Day and the Aztec worship of the dead contribute to these two days that honor Mexico's dead.
- 20 Revolution Day. This official Mexican holiday celebrates the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
- 12 Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, or the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe is celebrated with a feast honoring Mexico's patron saint.
- 16 Las Posadas celebrates Joseph and Mary's search for shelter in Bethlehem with candlelight processions that end at various nativity scenes. Las Posadas continue through January 6.
- 25 Navidad, With the rest of the Christian world, Mexico celebrates Christmas day.
- 28 Santos Inocentes (Fool's Day)

Author: Yucatán Today
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