Tekit is a prosperous municipality located in the southeast of the state of Yucatán, near the archaeological zone of Mayapán. Tekit is located 65 km from Mérida and 32 km from Ticul. This municipality, also known as the World Capital of the Guayabera (a traditional shirt worn throughout the Caribbean), produces the best quality, diversity, and trendiness in regional Yucatecan garments, including Guayaberas, Filipinas, Hipiles, dresses, and embroidered blouses.
Tekit's great differentiator is its people. Tekiteños (the name given to locals) are known for their friendly, warm character. From the first moment you arrive, you will be treated like an old friend who has returned after a long time.
One of the municipality’s best-known features is its cenotes. The best-known and most visited cenote, both by Tekiteños and by visitors, is called X-Pakay; its entrance is located just 1.5 km before the entrance of the municipality. Another one is the quality of its baked goods. Tutis, Hojaldras, Polvorones, Panqués, and other breads are well known for their flavor, which means that the several local bakeries are a must-visit for all visitors. No one can resist a delicious ham-and-cheese Hojaldra, with its sugar crust fresh from a wood-fired oven!
Two places you shouldn’t skip during your visit include the church, built in the 16th century and devoted to St. Anthony of Padua, and the colorful letters spelling the name of the municipality, with beautiful images that represent its history, vocation, and worldview.
In recent years, Tekit has gained international notoriety for the Guayabera Fair, an event with great regional impact that takes place twice a year, in July and December. This month, the 2022 Christmas Sale edition will be held from December 15 to December 31. Come and discover the skill, dexterity, and creativity of Tekit's textile artisans and take the opportunity to celebrate the holidays wearing an original, top-quality garment.
Visitors to Tekit will fall in love with the town, its people, its Guayaberas, its natural attractions, and its joy. This is your chance to see for yourself!
Photography by Arturo Sánchez and Ayuntamiento de Tekit for use in Yucatán Today.

Author: Yucatán Today
Yucatán Today, la compañera del viajero, es un medio bilingüe de información turística sobre destinos, cultura, gastronomía y el qué hacer en Yucatán con 36 años de trayectoria.
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