
Uxmal was the greatest metropolitan and religious center in the Puuc hills in the late classical period. It thrived between the 7th and 10th centuries AD and its numerous architectural styles reflect a number of building phases. Recent studies have suggested that Uxmal was the capital of a regional state that developed in the Puuc region between 850 to 950 AD. Other evidence suggests that Uxmal collaborated politically and economically with Chichén Itzá, the well-known ruin located between Mérida and Cancún.
House of the Magician
The most impressive structure and the tallest at 100 feet is the House of the Magician which you will find just beyond the entrance. According to ancient legend, this pyramid was built by Itzamná in one night. It actually appears to have been built in five phases, and it was situated so that its western stairway faces the setting sun at summer solstice.
The Nunnery
The Nunnery, another large building on the site, was named by the Spaniards as it reminded them of a European nunnery. It was probably used as a school for training healers, astrologers, shamans, and priests.
The Governor's Palace
The Governor's Palace is an excellent example of stone mosaic work probably created by hundreds of masons and sculptors. It occupies five acres and contains many beautiful sculptures of the rain god Chaac, serpents and astrological symbols.
Casa de las Tortugas, Plataforma de los Jaguares, Casa de las Palomas, and Juego de Pelota
Other structures include the Casa de las Tortugas (house of the turtles), la Plataforma de los Jaguares (platform of the jaguars), la Casa de las Palomas (house of the doves), el Juego de Pelota (ball game) and la Gran Pirámide (grand pyramid), which you can climb on the north side and admire the forest landscape. If you want a moment of peace and quiet, this is the ideal place. On your way you might encounter a “toloc”, an unusual lizard which you can photograph if you are lucky.
Uxmal will take a few hours to explore thoroughly. There is a small museum at the entrance, as well as a snack bar, gift shops, restrooms and various local vendors. Be sure to bring a hat, some sunscreen and good walking shoes. A camera is a must as well, as the buildings at Uxmal are very photogenic.
If you want to spend the night, there are a few hotels and restaurants catering to the Uxmal visitor. Be sure to visit our Hotel and Restaurant pages for some suggestions, as well as our Maps section for a map of the area. And don't miss the spectacular video mapping "Ecos de Uxmal" show that takes place in the archaeological site at night.
Important Information
- Climbing to the top of the Pyramid of the Magician is no longer allowed.
- The site is open 365 days a year.
- Open from 8 am to 4 pm.
- Light and Sound Show: Tue. - Wed. and Fri. - Sun. 7:30 pm and 8:15 pm. Entry: $719 pesos ($599 pesos for Mexican nationals, and $499 pesos for Yucatán residents).
- If you want to go on your own, you can take a bus in TAME (Second Class Terminal) in Calle 69 x 68 y 70, Centro. Telephones: (999) 920 4444 and 924 8391.
- Some Travel Agencies have tours to Uxmal and Labná at 9 am. There is another departure at 1 pm just to the Light and Sound Show.
Entrance fees
- Entrance fee to Uxmal: $556 pesos foreigners / $252 pesos Mexicans / $95 pesos Yucatecans
- Children under 13 years: free.
- Mexican Nationals, and foreigners residing in México (both with ID) free on Sunday (except for video mapping show).
- Video mapping show: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
- Video mapping price: $748 pesos foreigners / $609 pesos Mexicans / $459 pesos Yucatecans
- Lockers for bags and suitcases are available at the entrance.
- Parking fee: cars $116 pesos, buses $94 pesos.
- Note: The entry fee is split into 2 amounts (State "CULTUR" and Federal "INAH") and is paid at 2 separate windows, and you will need both tickets to enter the site.
- For “Ecos de Uxmal'' showtimes and programming: https://nochesdekukulkan.com.mx/evento/2
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Author: Yucatán Today
Yucatán Today, la compañera del viajero, es un medio bilingüe de información turística sobre destinos, cultura, gastronomía y el qué hacer en Yucatán con 36 años de trayectoria.
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