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Yucatán Today Photography Contest 2024

15 january 2024
5 min. de lectura

We are very excited to celebrate our 36th anniversary with the first Yucatán Today Photography Contest. Below, we share the call for entries:


Call for Entries for the First Yucatán Today Photography Contest


  Portada Abril 2021Yucatán Today (Dynamic Offset, S.A. de C.V.), located at Calle 39 #483 Int. 10 x 54 y 56, Centro, invites photographers of all levels, whether amateur or professional, to participate in the Yucatán Today Photography Contest.


The goal of this contest is to encourage the documentation and celebration of Yucatán’s authentic spirit and its various facets. Winners will be treated to fantastic prizes, ideal for further exploration and discovery of Yucatán.


Plus, there's a chance your winning photograph could grace the cover of one of the 12 editions of the Yucatán Today magazine printed in 2024.



Call Guidelines



The call for entries will be open from January 16, 2024, and the deadline for receiving submissions is February 29, 2024.



Portada marzo 2023This contest is open to the public. Each participant can submit up to 15 photographs via email, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. These images should be in HIGH RESOLUTION, preferably considering that our cover dimensions are 23x30 cm (You can check our covers here).   The photographs should be accompanied by a brief description reflecting the photographer's intention and sharing a bit about the essence, place, and context of the captured image.


Not recommended themes

Any photographs alluding to animals in captivity, horse-drawn carriages, cockfights, bullfights, or other forms of animal labor will not be considered.



General considerations:

  • If any person appears in the photos you are submitting, you must have the consent of that person. By submitting the photo to be considered, you assume all responsibility for the image rights of the people depicted and any conflicts that may arise from its use.
  • The participant must be the sole owner of the copyright for the photos.
  • The photographs must have been taken within the geographical boundaries of Yucatán.
  • The photographs must be submitted without a signature or watermark.
  • Any image submitted to the contest may be used by Yucatán Today for marketing and promotion purposes of the contest.
  • The use of artificial intelligence to create images is not allowed.
  • The author or owner retains the copyright of any image received by Yucatán Today. Yucatán Today can only use the photographs during the contest period for exclusively promotional purposes. After this period, Yucatán Today will not use any received image without the written authorization of the author or owner of the image and the corresponding financial compensation agreement.
  • Yucatán Today never assumes rights over any photo published in the print magazine or website. All images selected as winners will receive financial compensation in exchange for their non-exclusive use. In other words, the winning images will continue to be the property of their authors or owners, who will have the right to use them as they see fit.

Judging panel

The judging panel will be comprised of the Director of Yucatán Today and personalities from the world of photography and editorial design in North America.


Evaluation criteriaPortada Yucatán Today revista, febrero 2024

The evaluation will focus on how effectively the images capture the essence and beauty of Yucatán, along with their suitability for the Yucatán Today cover format.


To participate:

Send your proposals to the email: hola@yucatantoday.com Attach your contact details (name or pseudonym and phone number), and you will receive a confirmation email, making you an official participant.


Unforeseen aspects in this call

Any unforeseen matters in this announcement will be resolved at the discretion of the judging panel, in collaboration with the Director and Founding Partners of Yucatán Today.  



Follow us on social media for more details and stay updated on the contest news!

IG: YucatánToday FB: YucatánToday

Yucatán Today

Author: Yucatán Today

Yucatán Today, la compañera del viajero, es un medio bilingüe de información turística sobre destinos, cultura, gastronomía y el qué hacer en Yucatán con 36 años de trayectoria.

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