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A Week in Mérida: The Magic Never Ends

01 july 2024
10 min. de lectura

Free cultural events every night of the week

Mérida’s Centro, specifically Plaza Grande, is currently undergoing renovations, and some of the events for Semana Meridana have changed venues. Here are the new locations: 
Yucatecan Vaquería
Monday, 9 - 10 pm
New location: Parque de La Ermita

Pok Ta Pok
Saturday, 8 - 9 pm
New location: San Sebastián

Mérida en Domingo
Sunday, 9 am - 9 pm
Parque de Santa Ana

Isla de Luz video mapping - New event
Friday, 8 - 9 pm
Monumento a la Patria

Venues, times, and dates are subject to change without prior notice; if so, we'll keep you informed.


Mérida is a vibrant, cultural city, where every day of the week, all year long, you’ll find a wide variety of fabulous free events to check out in the weekly Semana Meridana.


Genuine pride in local culture and history runs through the events of the Semana Meridana. Yucatecans are extremely proud of their heritage and the clear delight in being able to share it with visitors is a joy to behold.


While being able to speak Spanish will be useful at the events, all can still be enjoyed without doing so. If you do speak Spanish, you'll be able to be amused by the explanations of local traditional dress and dance styles as well as the poetry and jokes that accompany the events.




vaqueria-en-merida-by-cassie-pearseVaquería Traditional Dance

New location: Parque de La Ermita
Time: 9 to 10 pm


Begin the week in the Plaza Grande with the Vaquería, a traditional celebration that began during the Spanish rule and which has stayed at the heart of Yucatecan culture. The dancers are all dressed in stunning traditional clothing, and watching their feet move in a blur is always my favorite part of this show. If you speak Spanish you’ll also enjoy the tradition of the Bomba, a comedic, rhymed pattern between each dance. Limited seating, but can stand and watch.   



Trova Tuesdays

Location: Olimpo Auditorium
Time: 8 to 9 pm


For an evening of romantic music, you can’t do much better than the Trova Tuesday. Each week, a Trovador trio delights audiences with a set comprising classic Yucatecan and Mexican timeless songs. Trovadores are the Yucatecan alternative to Mariachis: they’re the ones to sing by your window at night, as a show of someone’s undying love. Limited seating.



2303-Remembranzas-Musicales-trova-baile-barrio-santiago-by-Andrea-Mier-y-TeranMusical Memories

Location: Parque de Santiago
Time: 8:30 to 9:30 pm
If you want to see Mérida at its happiest, this open-air free-for-all dance is an absolute must. Watch young and old dance together to live music, join in the dancing, and grab a bite at the famous Parque de Santiago. Limited seating, but can stand and watch or even better, you can dance!    




videomapping-merida-miercoles-by-cassie-pearseVideo mapping: Diálogos del Conquistador

Location: Casa Montejo
Time: 8 to 9 pm
Temporarily suspended this summer for the renovation of Mérida's main square.
Diálogos del Conquistador is a video mapping presentation that takes place at Casa Montejo, a bank and museum by day, and an art installation on Wednesday nights. A (subtitled) interaction between Francisco de Montejo and a Maya leader, it’s a moving piece of theatre that highlights that Mérida was first a Maya city, and that it owes so much to the Maya culture.    




serenata-en-parque-santa-lucia-by-cassie-pearseSerenata de Santa Lucía

Location: Santa Lucía Park
Time: 9 to 10 pm


Without a doubt, this is the most popular night of the week. I have never seen Parque de Santa Lucía as busy as it is on a Thursday night. If you don’t have tickets, you can try grabbing a table at one of the many fabulous restaurants on the square. The evening is full of joy and music in the form of different bands, singers, and dancers. Different acts are presented each week, but with the same format: the orchestra and dancers, followed by a trio, poetry, and a solo performer. Limited seating, but can stand and watch.    




2406-Isla-de-Luz-video-mapping-monumento-a-la-platria-by-Visit-Merida-MxVideo mapping:
Islas de Luz

Location: Monumento a la Patria
Time: 8 to 9 pm

The Monumento a la Patria, an imposing circle on Paseo de Montejo, comes alive on Friday nights thanks to "Isla de Luz," a spectacular video mapping that projects images onto its detailed sculptures. This monument, a masterpiece by Colombian Rómulo Rozo, narrates the history of Mexico from pre-Hispanic times to the present. While enjoying the free show, accompanied by regional music, you can savor a marquesita and admire the intricate details of the monument's four faces, which celebrate national identity.



Catedral-Video-mapping-2Video mapping:
Piedras Sagradas

Location: Catedral San Ildefonso
Time: 8 to 8:30 pm
Temporarily suspended this summer for the renovation of Mérida's main square.

Video mapping is something that México truly excels at. If you’re out and about in Centro on a Friday evening enjoying the pedestrianization of town, be sure to stop by for the beaming of a potted history of Mérida onto one of the oldest cathedrals in the Americas. Limited seating, but can stand and watch.    



Noche mexicanaNoche Mexicana

Location: Remate de Paseo de Montejo
Time: 8 to 11 pm 
Music, cultural shows, crafts, and regional snacks at the Remate Paseo de Montejo. The dance show starts at 8 pm, the general event continues till 11 pm.
Embark on a mesmerizing cultural journey, where the vibrant spirit of Mexico comes alive. Immerse yourself in the pulsating rhythms of live music, the dazzling colors of traditional costumes, and the captivating grace of regional dances as you explore the diverse customs and traditions of each state. The electrifying atmosphere will ignite your passion for Mexican identity, leaving you with an unforgettable cultural experience that unveils the beauty and exuberance of Mexico's enduring legacy. 


2303-Pok-Ta-Pok-pelota-maya-juego-maya-ball-game-by-Andrea-Mier-y-TeranPok Ta Pok

New location: San Sebastián
Time: 8 to 9 pm 
The Pok Ta Pok is an ancient Mayan ritual that is still practiced today. It is a ball game that was played to thank the gods for a good harvest and to ask for their protection. The game is played with a heavy rubber ball and a stone hoop. The winners of the game were said to be sacrificed to the gods. Today, the Pok Ta Pok is a popular tourist attraction.





Location: Paseo de Montejo and Centro
Time: 8 am to 12:30 pm
On Sunday mornings, roads are closed to traffic from La Ermita de Santa Isabel to the Monumento a la Patria at the top of Paseo de Montejo. Rent a bike, walk, or skate to explore Mérida's Centro at a leisurely pace, including the several market stands along the way.

Mérida en Domingo

Location: Santa Ana Partk
Time: 9 am to 9 pm
Mérida comes alive every Sunday as "Mérida en Domingo" transforms the city into a vibrant hub of activity, offering an irresistible invitation for family fun. A feast of experiences awaits: from savoring traditional dishes amidst the warmth of family gatherings to uncovering unique artisanal treasures at local stalls. Immerse yourself in the city's vibrant culture through captivating artistic performances and lively spectacles that fill the streets with joy. A whirlwind of emotions and entertainment awaits at "Mérida en Domingo," an experience not to be missed.
Yucatán Today

Author: Yucatán Today

Yucatán Today, the traveler's companion, has been covering Yucatán’s destinations, culture, gastronomy, and things to do for 36 years. Available in English and Spanish, it’s been featured in countless travel guides due to the quality of its content.

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