Archaeological Sites A Seven Day Stay: Teabo, Uxmal, Mérida, Kimbilá, Tizimín Travel the Yucatán at the best time of the year! From ancient Mayan cities to colorful fairs, histor...
Activities The Trova Route in Mérida Explore the musical heritage of Mérida through the trova genre, from famous musicians to iconic venu...
Activities Yucatán Also Comes Alive at Night Yucatán offers you unique nighttime experiences: bioluminescence, ghost towns, stargazing, crocodile...
Activities The Railway Museum in Mérida: History on the Move Mérida, México, has a new Railway Museum at Parque La Plancha: locomotives, 4D simulators, videowall...
Archaeological Sites A Seven Day Stay: Yucatán’s Magical Towns Explore the Magical Towns of Yucatan in a seven-day stay full of history, gastronomy and outdoor act...
Traditions and Customs Yucatán’s most iconic handcrafts: artisan towns If you want to take a little piece of Yucatán home, find out which villages specialize in making ham...
Gastronomy Discover Maxcanú’s White Gold at the Jicama Festival Discover the unique charm of Maxcanú's White Gold at the Jicama Festival in Yucatán, showcasing loca...
Destinations A Seven Day Stay: Uxmal, Maní, Tekit, Mérida, Hunucmá Live the Mayan culture with a seven-day itinerary through Uxmal, Maní, Tekit, Mérida and Hunucmá, be...
Destinations A Seven Day Stay: Mérida and its Surroundings Discover a fun and entertaining seven-day tour in and around Mérida, full of activities, museums, pa...