Izamal, a Yellow Dream

Published Tuesday, march 15 2022
No. #411




After what seems to have been one of Yucatán’s longest winters, finally, spring is here. This is normally not news, since we usually have a year-long summer, with a handful of cool days between December and February. This year, however, this handful of days became a handful of weeks, where we were barely able to take a break from the few sweaters we own. Between the unusual winter and the health restrictions at the beginning of the year, it’s not surprising that we’re 100% ready to greet the heat, with friends and family, outdoors: at beaches, cenotes, haciendas, and gardens. In this issue, we strive to offer a range of options wide enough for you to fill your days with adventures in places you hadn’t visited, or from an angle you didn’t know. Are you ready for a change of scenery? Our state and its people are waiting with open arms, and we’ll be thrilled to go with you.

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