Maya Culture The Fascinating Story of the Vibrant Maya Blue There are colors, such as red and green, that are easy to extract. Blue is another story. Their solu...
Maya Culture The Maya and their Hair It was a punishment for a Maya to have his or her hair cut. Both men and women wore their thick, bla...
Maya Culture Xibalbá and the Maya View of Death How did the ancient Maya view death? For them, the cycle of death could be seen everywhere. What exa...
Maya Culture Maya Millennial Secrets of the Moon The moon is one of the most enigmatic and important elements in Mayan mythology, so much so that a c...
Maya Culture Maya Names and Dynasties For thousands of years, Maya kings ruled Yucatan. And when I say kings, yes, I mean kings in the plu...
Maya Culture The Maya "End of the World": Destruction or Evolution? Will the world end? Not just yet according to the Maya. Learn what the Maya meant by the end of the ...
Maya Culture Maya Calendar Explore the fascinating world of the Maya calendar system, from the Tzolkin to the Haab, in which it...
Maya Culture Discover the Mystery behind the Zero What does zero mean to you, “nothing”? Or is it just something you learned in class? Let's solve the...
Maya Culture Playing Maya Games The Maya played some traditional games before the arrival of the Spanish, and they have passed them ...