Rio Lagartos Full Color

Published Monday, february 15 2021
No. #398




Variety seems to be very elusive these days. Although we try to drum up enthusiasm for trying a new recipe or rearranging the furniture in the living room (yet again), our heart really yearns for something else, doesn’t it? At least we can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel with the first stages of the vaccine rollout worldwide. And this my friends, has my one-track mind thinking about one thing only: travel. Many people have been taking little steps towards leaving the house for a few months now; but everybody is taking things very much at their own pace, and that’s ok. Whether you’re looking for options to social distance somewhere else today, or are planning for future adventures, we have got a delicious edition for you this month: Haciendas, culinary delights, natural retreats, archaeology, cenotes, culture, and even options if you’re still staying in. Pick a spot and read the ideas we’ve come up with. Take them with you on your next adventure whenever that may be.

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