Merida Carnival

Published Wednesday, february 15 2023
No. #422




This month, the entire team has worked very hard to make a magazine that has something for all of us who happen to be here this month. Whether you’re here for just a few days, or know Chichén Itzá like the back of your hand, we bring you activities, destinations, and adventures to discover. Carnaval? Yes. Valladolid by bike? Don’t mind if we do. Options to stay active while staying very, very, I mean, really close to the sea? A thousand times yes. That’s not all, though. We’ll also tell you about how the Maya developed and used paper before the European conquest, and about one of their best-known works: the Popol Wuj. In one of my favorite articles this month, you’ll be reading about birds who “speak” Maya. We’d like you to enjoy Yucatán to the max, from every angle, through every lens. We’d love for you to discover and explore it through our pages, so you’ll be encouraged to go and see it with your own eyes the first chance you have. We love taking you there—join us!

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