U'ulab: Visitor at the Lucas de Gálvez Market

Date and time


CEPHCIS, UNAM, Rendon Peniche, Calle 43 por 44 y 46, Col. Industrial.

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Free event

From April 11th to May 23rd, you can visit this photographic exhibition "U'ulab: Visitor at the Lucas de Gálvez Market" by Pim Schalkwijk.

From 5 pm to 7 pm, at the CEPHCIS venue, UNAM, Rendon Peniche, Street 43 between 44 and 46, Industrial District.

You can also attend the Opening on April 11th at 6 pm.

Coordinated by Mtra. Alejandra Valdés Teja.

¿Any questions? extensionacademica@cephcis.unam.mx.

Abouth the organizer

Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales UNAM