Villa Unahana

Boutique hotel


Carretera Izamal-Valladolid, Residencial Pixoy Lotes 1, 2 y 3, Pixoy, Valladolid, Yucatán.




$2500 a $3000 pesos.

Let yourself be carried away by the wonders that the hotel offers. You can request private transportation to the places you desire, or you can also book a tour to explore the surroundings at your leisure. Each room has its own private pool for greater comfort, allowing you to enjoy your stay with family or as a couple.

Do you accept credit card payments? Yes

Is the hotel family or adults only? No


Do you have a restaurant or consumption center? No

Do you have your own parking lot? Yes

Do you offer day passes to use the facilities? No

Is the restaurant or consumption center exclusively for guests? No

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